Coding Concepts - Cargo cult programming

Cargo cult programming is a style of computer programming characterized by the ritual inclusion of code or program structures that serve no real purpose. Cargo cult programming is typically symptomatic of a programmer not understanding either a bug they were attempting to solve or the apparent solution

Are you an Incompetent Developer?

One of the most interesting parts of software development, are the group dynamics that form to complete the task at hand. This congregation of individuals compromise many different areas of expertise, personality and skill. Neil Green has created this fantastic website describing these personality patterns that arise in software projects. The reasons these personalities exist,…

Code Review Checklist

Code reviews are necessary to ensure your application is consistent. We live in an age of copy-and-paste craftsmen, so making sure that the bits that do get copied are correct is imperative for this approach to keep on working! There are many articles out there telling you why code reviews are important, why you should…

Coding Concepts - Cyclomatic Complexity

Cyclomatic what? Even spell check doesn’t recognise the word, but it’s a super useful software metric for understanding how your software works. Having read about it a few years ago, it apparent use seems to have deteriorated. I feel it’s a very valuable tool in a developer’s arsenal, and something that should be used in…

No Frills Keyboard Shortcuts (with Gifs) every Developer Should Follow

Shortcuts for me are the most productive thing that a developer can add to their repertoire that will aid them through their entire career. Learning how to use your system and tools will improve your productivity and in general make traversing all your windows and apps a breeze. The mouse is a great, tool, but…

CodeTalk - July

Code Talk is back, and once again I share the best blog posts I’ve found this month. Technology changes so quickly and it’s been fun looking through my older Code Talk posts. It wasn’t long ago we were discussing Jquery3.0 and SPA’s, and then AngularJs and GitHub coming onto the scene. How interesting it is…

#CodeTalk - AngularJs2, Jquery 3, SPA’s and GITHub

This CodeTalk is jam packed full of great articles! Focused on front end web application development. With these languages there is a potential to create an SPA application using Angular, JQuery and GitHub as Source Control.

That’s a pretty popular development pattern at the moment so I wanted to delve into each a little bit more and hopefully inspire others to research more on the topics if that’s your cup of tea.